by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
Ordo Lectionum Missae (1969 & 1981) and Lectionary for Mass (1970 & 1998/2002)

Common Responsorial Psalms and Alleluia Verses

[still under construction]

See also the simpler chart for Psalms and Alleluias in the 1970 Lectionary for Mass only.


  1. Click here for explanations of the abbreviations and editions of the Lectionary, and for the color scheme used here to highlight differences between the various editions.
  2. Many of the Psalm refrains and Alleluia verses as prescribed in OLM69 & OLM81 are similar to but not direct quotes from the Vulgate Bible, even if the references do not always say “Cf.” explicitly.
  3. For these texts, USL70 and USL98/02 contain direct translations of the Latin verses as printed in OLM69 and OLM81, respectively, rather than using the NAB translations of the equivalent biblical verses.
  4. Due to some changes between OLM69 and OLM81, which caused a shift of the Lectionary numbers for all the readings between #39 and #260, the numbers assigned to some of the sections with Common Psalms and Alleluias in the first editions of the Lectionary (OLM69 & USL70) are one greater than the corresponding sections in the revised editions (OLM81 & USL98/02):


OLM69 & USL70

OLM81 & USL98

Common Texts for Sung Responsorial Psalms

174: Responses
175: Psalms

173: Responses

Alleluia Verses for Sundays of the Year (Ordinary Time)



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays of Advent up to December 16



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays of Advent from December 17 to December 24



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays (the Season of Christmas) before Epiphany



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays (the Season of Christmas) after Epiphany 219 218

Verses before the Gospel for Weekdays of Lent



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays of the Easter Season up to the Ascension



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays of the Easter Season after the Ascension



Alleluia Verses for Weekdays of the Year (in Ordinary Time)



Common Texts for Sung Responsorial Psalms:

USL70 Lectionary Note before #174:

The psalm is usually taken from the lectionary, since these texts are related to and depend upon the respective readings. At other times to make the people’s response easier, texts of psalms and responses are selected for the several parts of the year or for the different kinds of celebrations for saints. These may be used in place of the text corresponding to the reading whenever the psalm is sung. (General Instruction, Roman Missal, no. 36.)

USL98 Lectionary Note before #173: (a much more literal translation of the Latin rubric in OLM69 & OLM81)

The psalm as a rule is drawn from the Lectionary because the individual psalm texts are directly connected with the individual readings: the choice of psalm depends therefore on the readings.

Nevertheless, in order that the people may be able to join in the responsorial psalm more readily, some texts of responses and psalms have been chosen, according to the different seasons of the years and classes of saints, for optional use, whenever the psalm is sung, in place of the text corresponding to the reading (cf. General Instruction of the Roman Missal, n. 36).

#174/173: Responses

OLM69 #174 and OLM81 #173 (no changes)

USL70 #174 and USL98 #173

Tempore Adventus:
   Veni, Domine, ad liberandum nos!

Advent Season:
   Come, O Lord, and set us free.

Tempore Nativitatis:
   Hodie vidimus gloriam tuam, Domine.

Christmas Season:
   Lord, today we have seen your glory.

Tempore Quadragesimae:
   Memento, Domine, fidelitatis et misericordiae tuae.

Lenten Season:
USL70: Remember your love and your faithfulness, Lord.
USL98/02: Remember, O Lord, your faithfulness and love.

Tempore paschali:
   Alleluia (bis vel ter)

Easter Season:

   Alleluia (two or three times)

Per annum:
   a) cum psalmo laudativo:
      Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus.
Confitebimur tibi, Domine, quia mirabilia sunt opera tua.
vel Cantate Domino canticum novum.

Season of the Year:
   a) with a psalm of praise:
      Praise the Lord for he is good.
or  We praise you, O God, for all your works are wonderful.
      [USL98/02: “…, O Lord,…”]
or  Sing to the Lord a new song.

Per annum:
   b) cum psalmo depracativo:
      Prope est Dominus invocantibus eum.
vel Exaudi nos, Domine, et salva nos.
vel Miserator et misericors Dominus.

Season of the Year:
   b) with a psalm of petition:
     The Lord is near to all who call on him.
or  Hear us, Lord, and save us.
or  The Lord is kind and merciful.

#175/174: Psalms 

OLM69 #175 and OLM81 #174
(no changes)

USL70 #175

USL98 #174

Tempore Adventus:

   Ps 24, 4bc-5ab. 8-9. 10+14
   Ps 84, 9ab-10. 11-12. 13-14
   [should be 9ab+10]

Advent Season:

   Ps 25, 4-5. 8-9. 10. 14
   Ps 85, 9-10. 11-12. 13-14

Season of Advent:

   1) Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14
   2) Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14

Tempore Nativitatis:

   Ps 97, 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4. 5-6

Christmas Season:

   Ps 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4. 5-6

Season of Christmas:

   3) Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6

In Epiphania:

   Ps 71, 2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13


   Ps 72, 1-2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13


   4) Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13

Tempore Quadragesimae:

   Ps 50, 3-4. 5-6a. 12-13. 14+17
   Ps 90, 1-2. 10-11. 12-13. 14-15

   Ps 129, 1-2. 3-4ab. 4c-6. 7-8

Lenten Season:

   Ps 51, 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14. 17
   Ps 91, 1-2. 10-11. 12-13. 14. 16
      [typo in ref. and text]
   Ps 130, 1-2. 3-4. 4-6. 7-8

Season of Lent:

   5) Ps 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14 and 17
   6) Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14, 16
      [text vv. 14-15; typo in ref. only]
   7) Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 4-6, 7-8

In Hebdomada Sancta:

   Ps 21, 8-9. 17-18a. 19-20. 23-24

Holy Week:

   Ps 22, 8-9. 17-18. 19-20. 23-24

Holy Week:

   8) Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24

In Nocte Sancta:

   Ps 135
   a) 1-3, 4-6. 7-9. 24-26
   b) 1+3+16. 21-23. 24-26

Easter Vigil:

   Ps 136
   a) 1-3. 4-6. 7-9. 24-26
   b) 1. 3. 16. 21-23. 24-26

Easter Vigil:

   9a) Ps 136:1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 24-26

   9b) Ps 136:1, 3, 16, 21-23, 24-26

Tempore paschali:

   Ps 117, 1-2. 16ab-17. 22-23
      [typo; should be 16ab+17]
   Ps 65, 1-3a. 4-5. 6-7a. 16+20

Easter Season:

   Ps 118, 1-2. 16-17. 22-23

   Ps 66, 1-3. 4-5. 6-7. 16. 20

Season of Easter:

   10) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23

   11) Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20

In Ascensione:

   Ps 46, 2-3. 6-7. 8-9


   Ps 47, 2-3. 6-7. 8-9


   12) Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9

In Dominica Pentecostes:

   Ps 103, 1ab+24ac. 29bc-30. 31+34


   Ps 104, 1. 24. 29-30. 31. 34


   13) Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34

Per Annum:

   Ps 18, 8. 9. 10. 11
   Ps 26, 1. 4. 13-14
   Ps 33, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9
   Ps 62, 2. 3-4. 5-6. 8-9
   Ps 94, 1-2. 6-7. 8-9ab
   Ps 99, 2. 3. 5
   Ps 102, 1-2. 3-4. 8+10. 12-13
   Ps 144, 1-2. 8-9. 10-11. 13cd-14

Season of the Year:

   Ps 19, 8. 9. 10. 11
   Ps 27, 1. 4. 13-14
   Ps 34, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9
   Ps 63, 2. 3-4. 5-6. 8-9
   Ps 95, 1-2. 6-7. 8-9
   Ps 100, 2. 3. 5
   Ps 103, 1-2. 3-4. 8. 10. 12-13
   Ps 145, 1-2. 8-9. 10-11. 13-14

Ordinary Time:

   14) Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11
   15) Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14
   16) Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
   17) Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
   18) Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
   19) Ps 100:2, 3, 5
   20) Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13
   21) Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14

In ultima hebdomadis:

   Ps 121, 1-2. 3-4a. 4b-5. 6-7. 8-9

Last Weeks of the Year:

   Ps 122, 1-2. 3-4. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9

Last Weeks in Ordinary Time:

   22) Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9

Note: USL98/02 adds sequential numbers, which are not in OLM81, to all the Psalms in this section.

 #164: Alleluia for Sundays of the Year  /  #163: Alleluia Verses for Sundays of Ordinary Time


OLM69 #164

USL70 #164

OLM81 #163

USL98 #163


1 Sam 3, 9; John 6, 69b

1 Sam 3, 9; John 6, 69
[v. 68c in NAB]

1 Sam 3, 9; John 6, 68c

1 Sam 3:9; John 6:68c


Matt 11, 25

Matt 11, 25

Cf. Matt 11, 25

cf. Matt 11:25


Luke 19, 38

Luke 19, 38

Cf. Luke 19, 38; 2, 14

cf. Luke 19:38; 2:14


John 1, 14+12b

John 1, 14. 12 [lt]

John 1, 14a. 12b

John 1:14a, 12b


John 6, 64b+69b

John 6, 64. 69 [lts]
[really 63c+68c NAB]

Cf. John 6, 63c. 68c

cf. John 6:63c, 68c


John 8, 12

John 8, 12

John 8, 12

John 8:12


John 10, 27

John 10, 27

John 10, 27

John 10:27


John 14, 5 [typo]

John 14, 5 [typo]

John 14, 6

John 14:6


John 14, 23

John 14, 23

John 14, 23

John 14:23


John 15, 15b

John 15, 15 [lt]

John 15, 15b

John 15:15b


John 17, 17b+a

John 17, 17 [lts]

Cf. John 17, 17b. a

cf. John 17:17b, 17a


Cf. Acts 16, 14b

See Acts 16, 14 [lt]

Cf. Acts 16, 14b

cf. Acts 16:14b


Cf. Eph 1, 17-18

See Eph 1, 17-18

Cf. Eph 1, 17-18

cf. Eph 1:17-18



For the Last Sundays:


Last Sundays in Ordinary Time:


Mt 24, 42a+44

Mt 24, 42. 44 [lt]

Mt 24, 42a+44

Mt 24:42a, 44


Luke 21, 36

Luke 21, 36

Luke 21, 36

Luke 21:36


Rev 2, 10c

Rev 2, 10 [lt]

Rev 2, 10c

Rev 2:10c


Vide etiam n. 509

See also no. 509

Vide etiam n. 509

[prints full texts of #509 immediately following]

New Note in USL98/02 only: “These texts may be used in place of the texts proposed for each day.”

#193/192: Alleluia for the Weekdays of Advent up to December 16


OLM69 #193

USL70 #193

OLM81 #192


Cf. Ps 79, 4  [Vulg.]

See Ps 79, 4  [really 80, 4 NAB]

Cf. Ps 79, 4


Ps 84, 8

Ps 85, 8

Ps 84, 8


Isa 33, 22

Isa 33, 22

Isa 33, 22


Isa 40, 9-10  [lts]
[really just 40, 9cb+10a Vulg.]

Isa 40, 9. 10  [lts]

Isa 40, 9-10  
[either “Cf.” or really 40, 9cb+10a]


Isa 45, 8  [really just 8ab]

Isa 45, 8

Cf. Isa 45, 8


Isa 55, 6

Isa 55, 6

Isa 55, 6


Luke 3, 4. 6  [lts]
[really just 4cd+6 Vulg.]

Luke 3, 4. 6  [lts]
[really just 4cd+6 NAB]

Luke 3, 4. 6  [lts]
[really just 4cd+6 neo-Vulg.]


(no bibl. ref.)

(no bibl. ref.)

(no bibl. ref.)

#202/201: Alleluia for the Weekdays of Advent from December 17 to December 24

The seven recommended verses (202.1-7) are closely related to the traditional “O antiphons”; but no biblical references are provided for any of them.


OLM69 #202 = OLM81 #201

USL70 #202


Sapientia Altissimi, fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:
veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae.

Come, Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: teach us to walk in the paths of knowledge.


Dux domus Israel, qui Moysi in Sina legem dedisti:
veni ad redimendum nos in bracchio extento.

Come, Leader of ancient Israel…


Radix Iesse, stans in signum populorum:
veni ad liberandum nos, iam noli tardare.

Come, Flower of Jesse’s stem…


Clavis David, qui aperis portas aeterni Regni:
veni et educ vinctum de domo carceris sedentem in tenebris.

Come, Key of David…


Oriens, splendor lucis aeternae et sol iustitiae:
veni et illumina sedentes in tenebris et umbra mortis.

Come, Radiant Dawn…


Rex gentium et lapis angularis Ecclesiae:
veni et salva hominem quem de limo formasti.

Come, King of all nations…


Emmanuel, rex et legifer noster:
veni ad salvandum nos, Domine, Deus noster.

Come, Emmanuel…

#212/211: Alleluia for the Season of Christmas before Epiphany


OLM69 #212

USL70 #212

OLM81 #211


John 1, 14+12b  [really 14a+12b in Vulg.]

John 1, 14. 12  [lts]

John 1, 14a.12b


Heb 1, 1-2  [really 1-2a in Vulg.]

Heb 1, 1-2  [lt]

Heb 1, 1-2  [really 1-2a in neo-Vulg.]


(no bibl. ref.)

(no bibl. ref.)

(no bibl. ref.)

#219/218: Alleluia for the Season of Christmas after Epiphany


OLM69 #219

USL70 #219

OLM81 #218


Matt 4, 16 Matt 4, 16 Matt 4, 16


see Matt 4, 23 see Matt 4, 23 see Matt 4, 23
.3 Luke 4, 18 Luke 4, 18 Luke 4, 18
.4 Luke 7, 16 Luke 7, 16 Luke 7, 16


see 1 Tim 3, 16 see 1 Tim 3, 16 see 1 Tim 3, 16

#224/223: Verses before the Gospel for the Weekdays of Lent


OLM69 #224

USL70 #224

OLM81 #223


Ps 50, 12a+14a

Ps 51, 12. 14  [lts]

Ps 50, 12a. 14a


Ps 94, 8ab  [not direct quote]

Ps 95, 8  [lts]

Cf. Ps 94, 8ab


Ps 129, 5+7  [not direct quote]

Ps 130, 5. 7

Cf. Ps 129, 5. 7


Ezek 18, 31  [really just 31ab]

Ezek 18, 31

Ezek 18, 31  [really just 31ab]


Ezek 33, 11  [really Cf.]

Ezek 33, 11

Ezek 33, 11   [really Cf.]


Joel 2, 12-13  [really 12ab+13c]

Joel 2, 12-13  [really 12ab+13c]

Joel 2, 12-13  [really 12ab+13c]


Amos 5, 14  [not direct quote]

Amos 5, 14

Cf. Amos 5, 14


Matt 4, 4b

Matt 4, 4  [lt]

Matt 4, 4b


Matt 4, 17

Matt 4, 17

Matt 4, 17


Cf. Luke 8, 15

See Luke 8, 15

Cf. Luke 8, 15


Luke 15, 18

Luke 15, 18

Luke 15, 18


John 3, 16

John 3, 16

John 3, 16


John 6, 64b+69b [Vulg.]

John 6, 64. 69  [lts]  [really NAB 63c+69c]

Cf. John 6, 63c. 68c [neo-Vulg.]


John 8, 12b

John 8, 12

John 8, 12


John 11, 25a+26

John 11, 25. 26  [lt]

John 11, 25a. 26


2 Cor 6, 2b

2 Cor 6, 2  [lt]

2 Cor 6, 2b


(no bibl. ref.)

(no bibl. ref.)

(no bibl. ref.)

#303: Alleluia for Weekdays of the Easter Season up to the Ascension (OLM81 adds 13 more choices):


OLM69 #303  [and USL70 #303]


OLM81 #303




Matt 4, 4b


Luke 24, 46


Cf. Luke 24, 46. 26




John 3, 15




John 3, 16




John 6, 35ab




Cf. John 6, 40




John 6, 51




John 6, 56




Cf. John 6, 63c. 68c




John 8,




John 8,


John 10, 14


John 10, 14


John 10, 27


John 10, 27




John 14,6




John 15, 4a. 5b




John 15b


John 20, 29


John 20, 29


Rom 6, 9


Rom 6, 9


Col 3, 1


Col 3, 1


Rev 1, 5ab


Cf. Rev 1, 5ab


(no bibl. ref.)


(no bibl. ref.)

Note: All biblical references are missing in the CBP edition of USL70, but the correct texts are printed.

#304: Alleluia for Weekdays of the Easter Season after the Ascension  (OLM81 adds 3 more choices):


OLM69 #304  [and USL70 #304]

OLM81 #304

OLM81 #304


Mt 28, 19+20  [really 19a+20b]


Mt 28, 19a. 20b  [really 19a+20b]


John 14, 16


John 14, 16


John 14, 18


Cf. John 14, 18


John 14, 26


John 14, 26




John 15, 26b. 27a


John 16, 7+13


Cf. John 16, 7. 13


John 16, 28


John 16, 28




Cf. John 17, 17b. a




John 17, 21


Col 3, 1


Col 3, 1

Note: Again, all biblical references are missing in the CBP edition of USL70, but the correct texts are printed.

#509: Alleluia for Weekdays of the Year

Note in USL02: “The following texts for weekdays in Ordinary Time may also be used in place of the texts proposed for each Sunday.”


OLM69 #509

USL70 #509

OLM81 #509

USL02 #509


1 Sam 3, 9; John 6, 69b

1 Sam 3, 9; John 6, 69
[should be 68c NAB]

1 Sam 3, 9; John 6, 68c

1 Sam 3:9; John 6:68c


Ps 18, 9

Ps 19, 9

Cf. Ps 18, 9

cf. Ps 19:9


Ps 24, 4c+5a

Ps 25, 4. 5  [lt]

Ps 24, 4b. 5a

Ps 25:4b, 5a


Ps 26, 11

Ps 27, 11

Cf. Ps 26, 11

cf. Ps 27:11


Ps 94, 8ab

Ps 95, 8  [lts]

Cf. Ps 94, 8ab
[really Cf. 8b+8a]

     Ps 95:7d-8a  
should be Cf. 95:8b+a]


Ps 110, 8ab  ???

Ps 111, 8  [lts]

Ps 110, 7b-8a

Ps 111:7b-8a


Ps 118, 18

Ps 119, 18

Ps 118, 18

Ps 119:18


Ps 118, 27

Ps 119, 27

Ps 118, 27

Ps 119:27


Ps 118, 34

Ps 119, 34

Ps 118, 34

Ps 119:34


Ps 118, 35a+29b

Ps 119, 35. 29  [lts]

Ps 118, 36a. 29b

Ps 119:36a, 29b


Ps 118, 88

Ps 119, 88

Ps 118, 88

Ps 119:88


Ps 118, 105

Ps 119, 105

Ps 118, 105

Ps 119:105


Ps 118, 135

Ps 119, 135

Ps 118, 135

Ps 119:135


Ps 129, 5

Ps 130, 5

Cf. Ps 129, 5

cf. Ps 130:5


Ps 144, 13cd

Ps 145, 13  [lts]

Ps 144, 13cd

Ps 145:13cd


Ps 147, 12a+15a

Ps 147, 2. 15  [lts]

Ps 147, 12a. 15a

Ps 147: 12a, 15a


Matt 4, 4b

Matt 4, 4  [lt]

Matt 4, 4b

Matt 4:4b


Matt 11, 25

Matt 11, 25

Cf. Matt 11, 25

cf. Matt 11:25


Cf. Luke 8, 15

See Luke 8, 15

Cf. Luke 8, 15

cf. Luke 8:15


John 6, 64b+69b

John 6, 64. 69
[really 63c+68c NAB]

Cf. John 6, 63c. 68c

cf. John 6:63c, 68c


John 8, 12

John 8, 12

John 8, 12

John 8:12


John 10, 27

John 10, 27

John 10, 27

John 10:27


John 14, 5  [typo]

John 14, 5  [typo]

John 14, 6

John 14:6


John 14, 23

John 14, 23

John 14, 23

John 14:23


John 15, 15b

John 15, 15  [lt]

John 15, 15b

John 15:15b


John 17, 17b+a

John 17, 17  [lts]

Cf. John 17, 17b. a

cf. John 17:17b, 17a


Cf. Acts 16, 14b

See Acts 16, 14  [lt]

Cf. Acts 16, 14b

cf. Acts 16:14b


2 Cor 5, 19

2 Cor 5, 19

2 Cor 5, 19

2 Cor 5:19


Cf. Eph 1, 17-18
[really just 17a+18ab]

See Eph 1, 17-18
<-- ditto

Cf. Eph 1, 17-18

cf. Eph 1:17-18


Phil 2, 15-16  [really 15d-16a]

Phil 2, 15-16  [lts]

Phil 2, 15d. 16a  [really 15d-16a]

Phil 2:15d, 16a  [really 15d-16a]


Col 3, 16a+17c

Col 3, 16. 17  [lts]

Cf. Col 3, 16a. 17c

cf. Col 3:16a, 17c


1 Thess 2, 13

1 Thess 2, 13

Cf. 1 Thess 2, 13

cf. 1 Thess 2:13


2 Thess 2, 14

2 Thess 2, 14

Cf. 2 Thess 2, 14

cf. 2 Thess 2:14


2 Tim 1, 10b [not direct]

2 Tim 1, 10

Cf. 2 Tim 1, 10

cf. 2 Tim 1:10


Heb 4, 12

Heb 4, 12

Heb 4, 12

Heb 4:12


Jas 1, 18

Jas 1, 18

Jas 1, 18

Jas 1:18


Jas 1, 21  [really 21bc]

Jas 1, 21  [lts]

Jas 1, 21bc

Jas 1:21bc


1 Pet 1, 25

1 Pet 1, 25

1 Pet 1, 25

1 Pet 1:25


1 John 2, 5

1 John 2, 5

1 John 2, 5

1 John 2:5


Pro Hebdomada ultima:

For the Last Week:

Pro Hebdomada ultima:

The Last Week in Ordinary Time:


Matt 24, 42a+44

Matt 24, 42. 44  [lt]

Matt 24, 42a. 44

Matt 24:42a, 44


Luke 21, 28

Luke 21, 28

Luke 21, 28

Luke 21:28


Luke 21, 36

Luke 21, 36

Luke 21, 36

Luke 21:36


Rev 2, 10c

Rev 2, 10  [lt]

Rev 2, 10c

Rev 2:10c


Vide  etiam n. 164

See also no. 164

Vide  etiam n. 163

[prints #509 after #163]

Note: The Psalm selections are not sequentially numbered in USL70, but are in OLM69, OLM81, and USL98/02.

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